Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Dean's 50-state strategy key to AZ Dem victories?

In Washington former Clinton operative James Carville continues to dump all over DNC chair Howard Dean, claiming that Dean's commitment to fund organizers in every state diverted needed funds from marginal Congressional races and ultimately cost Democrats some seats.

In Arizona, DNC-funded staff were key to get-out-the-vote actvities in CD5 and a number of key legislative races, according to party leaders. In fact, as the counting of early ballots progressed throughout last week, Democratic candidates gained votes in many races, including CD5, LD24 in Yuma (where Democrats swept the legislative races), and LD26 in Tucson (where Democrat Charlene Pesquiera upset right-winger Al Melvin).

It's hard to argue with success, and Dean's strategy appeared to pay dividends in Arizona.

1 comment:

Blogger for Phoenix said...

Not that I can figure out. Leave an e-mail o other contact info and I will reach you.